
Saturday, August 4, 2012



My red phone's flashing,
It must be you calling.
What's it this time?
A dull knife?
Russian roulette?
Cat claws out yet?
A verbal blackjack to the back of my brain?
You seem to always miss the front;
That's the seat of reason.

Take your time.
I'll sit here in my silo,
My key in the lock,
Your head on the block;
But you don't know it.

I'd love to use my words;
What a pity,
They'd miss that pretty
Head of yours,
Flying high over it.

So ready your missiles,
I'll ready mine.
No game?
What a shame.
I was hoping for
Mutually Assured Destruction. 

~Darkling Plain, Sept. 12, 2006

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